A Harris Poll in 2023 found that more than one-third of Canadian companies (35%) said employee turnover had increased compared to the previous year, a significant rise from the 24% who said the same thing in 2021.

A 2022 Gallup poll found only 1 in 4 employees strongly agree they feel connected to their culture and only 1 in 3 strongly agree that they belong at their organization.  These survey results suggest that retention is a multi-industry concern. What does this mean for today’s organizations? 

In this interactive workshop, participants will discuss the future world of employee retention practices and how best how HR can support leaders in engaging employees by making them an active participant in creating a workplace environment attractive to them.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to;

  • Assess the new world of employee retention challenges.

  • Engage employees through the entire work life cycle.ective interpersonal skills to improve the service experience with internal and external customers.

  • Apply better HR practices to close the gap between today and tomorrow.

Course Content

Retention Challenges

  • Current state
  • Types
  • Reasons and Paradoxes
  • Trends


  • Role of HR
  • Role of the leader
  • Supportive and challenging attributes
  • Organizational and leadership culture

Employee Work-Life Cycle

  • Six stages
  • Retention ideas for each stage
  • What needs to change

Better Practices

  • Retention drivers
  • Rethinking
    • Unlearning and Learning
    • DEI practices
  • Making it meaningful
  • Community of leaders
  • Community of belonging


MCE Facilitator Shona Welsh

Shona has been helping organizations develop leaders and enhance their communications for three decades. An award-winning speaker, writer, and instructional designer, Shona is the author of six books on training, mentoring, communications, and engagement.

A Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL), Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCInO), and Certified Executive Presence Facilitator (CEXPi), Shona’s work around the globe with corporate, government, and not-for-profit sectors have given her in-depth insight into the challenges facing modern leaders.

With Mohawk College Enterprise (MCE) Shona excels in facilitating leadership programs resulting in amazing client feedback. Her warmth, coupled with the stories she tells, engages and encourages all participants.