Conflict is inevitable in any workplace and can arise from a variety of sources such as differences in personality, communication styles, expectations, or goals. As all HR professionals know, some level of conflict can be healthy for organizations, but too much can negatively impact employee morale, productivity, and ultimately, the bottom line. As such, it is critical for companies to have a solid conflict resolution process in place, and HR plays a vital role in providing appropriate processes, tools, support, and if necessary, mediation services.

In this interactive workshop, participants will discuss key roles HR plays in developing a climate of openness and transparency, explore the impact of policies and procedures, review the role of organizational codes of conduct and experiment with creating them, and how to use other tools that support both leaders and employees. We will also explore the role of mediation and how HR professionals can develop and manage this process. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to;

  • Assess their current role and HR department readiness to lead in the area of conflict resolution.

  • Engage in policy and procedure development that are meaningful and transparent.

  • Customize a variety of tools that support professional conduct, accountability, and engagement through the conflict process.

Course Content

The Role of HR in Conflict Management

  • Current state and challenges
  • Common issues
  • Creating a climate and culture of openness and transparency

Developing Policies and Procedures

  • How to write policies that people want to follow.
    • Foundational values and principles
    • Appropriate authorities
    • Clear guidance

Codes of Conduct and Other Tools

  • Specific and concrete descriptions of expected behaviours
  • Specifying what is and is not considered good practice
  • What needs to change
  • Variety of tools that support a Code of Conduct

HR as Mediator

  • When HR should step in
  • The role of Conflict Mediation Program
  • Steps in mediating conflict
  • Supports to assist leaders and employees in moving forward


MCE Facilitator Shona Welsh

Shona has been helping organizations develop leaders and enhance their communications for three decades. An award-winning speaker, writer, and instructional designer, Shona is the author of six books on training, mentoring, communications, and engagement.

A Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL), Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCInO), and Certified Executive Presence Facilitator (CEXPi), Shona’s work around the globe with corporate, government, and not-for-profit sectors have given her in-depth insight into the challenges facing modern leaders.

With Mohawk College Enterprise (MCE) Shona excels in facilitating leadership programs resulting in amazing client feedback. Her warmth, coupled with the stories she tells, engages and encourages all participants.


This course takes place virtually over Zoom from 8:30am to 3:45pm.