Leading Through the Lens of Safety
CourseIn this one-day training session, participants will learn and understand the importance of communication and how to apply different communication strategies to encourage safe culture.
Principles-Based Labour Relations
CourseThis one-day course will provide participants with the principles of labour relations.
Union Management Relations
CourseThis one-day course will provide participants with an understanding of the history of union/management relations and management rights and processes. Participants will learn how to build effective relationships between union and management.
Buddy to Boss Transition
CourseThis self-directed, online course will provide an understanding of the challenges that often occur when employees are promoted within. There are personal as well as professional challenges to overcome where the employee is now the boss.
Creating Amazing Customer Service
CourseThis self-directed, online course will help you analyze and re-shape your current customer service skills into amazing customer service skills.
Leading the New Workforce
CourseThis half-day virtual course will provide supervisors and managers with an appreciation for the workstyle preferences of students and younger staff. Participants will learn communication styles & tools most effective when leading younger generations.